Hi, My name is Jazmine Ramsey and I go to the north Austin Potter’s House. We had revival services with you almost 3 years ago. On one of the nights, you made a call for women who had reproductive issues. I was one of the first to come up to the front. I had been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome after two months of bleeding when I was 21 years old. I was told my ovaries were so filled with cyst that very low to no chances of getting pregnant without medical help. At that time I wasn’t married and in a sense, it didn’t bother me.

When I started courting and marriage was starting to like an option. My diagnosis popped back into head. I was scared. I began to think I was broken.  My now-husband told me at that time he would still marry me and said “We’ll have babies, lots of them! Richard Valerio prayed for you remember?! Every baby is going to be a direct miracle of that prayer. I wanted to believe that with my whole heart and admittedly I was still scared. Fast forward to February 2019, We got married. We had a “two-year plan”. Get our debt paid off and then we’ll have babies. I honestly still had some fear and doubt that that would ever happen. Again, fast forward to mother’s day 2019. I ended up in the hospital after having severe abdominal pain. The ER doctor came into the room and said ‘Well, we have good news.

You’re pregnant! Oh, and your gallbladder is really Bad and needs to come out.’ Shock ran across both mine and my husband’s faces.  Once we accepted the reality of this baby. My husband told me ”See, I told you when Richard prayed for you that you were Healed. We’re gonna have babies. God has always had the final say.” I just want to give ALL the praise to God and also thank you for doing what he called you to do. I’m now 3 months pregnant, I had my gallbladder removed and God had his hand upon me and the baby. Even my Ob-gyn was caught off guard when she realized I was seeing her for a prenatal visit. The baby looks healthy and is due in January 2020!  

Thank you and God Bless, The Ramsey’s