Evangelist Richard Valerio Revival
The Door Christian Fellowship Church
New Braunfels, Texas
Nov 5-8th 2017
Saved: 9
Healed: 6
Notable Miracles
One sister in the church had a lump that she has been worried about for almost a year.
After Evangelist Valerio prayed for her it went down a little then later that night while she was at home it completely disappeared!
One visitor who had been suffering from upper back pain since 2012 received prayer by Evangelist Valerio and instantly was healed by the power of God! This man walked into the church straight faced and left with the biggest smile and the VICTORY!
One visitor was suffering from a hairline fracture on his fibula on his right leg and was in major pain. Evangelist Valerio laid hands and prayed, the visitor renounced unforgiveness and was instantly healed and was able to twist and bend his leg with NO PAIN!
IN the famous words of Evangelist Valerio “AND NO DOCTOR BILL!”
One visitor came in with the help of a cane who had noticeable back pain and he was BLIND! Evangelist Valerio proceeded to pray for this man’s back. Checked his legs one was shorter than the other considerably.
Evangelist Valerio had the church help him pray and this man’s leg grew out and he was able to bend over and touch his feet with no PAIN what so ever!
This man was so grateful that he gave Evangelist Valerio his cane!
Evangelist Valerio then began to pray for this man’s sight.
Before prayer the man stated that he could only see black (darkness) in both eyes.
The church joined in prayer for this man, prayed twice then he stated that he was able to see light!
The church erupted in praise!
The New Braunfels Church is so grateful for Evangelist Richard Valerio and cannot wait until our next meeting with Evangelist Valerio!