We have a couple who prayed the money prayer. That week they were gonna sell a branch of their  school for $29,411 usd and the next day they got another offer that was way above there expectations of $73,529 usd. They accepted that offer and the people paid them  before they even signed the contract. Praise God! $34,118 miracle!

Rochester New York Continued… Sept 6, 2018

Sep 11th, 2018 Pastoral Testimonies 1 min read

Hola! I have another financial victory report: After you prayed for people for financial breakthrough, a lady, who had no call backs on applications got 3 calls for interview- 1. She got the job she wanted 2. She got an increase of $6,000 a year 3. She got hired for a position she wasn’t qualified for Pastor Jesse Morales Rochester New York Sept 6, 2018

It was a definite time of refreshing for both the church as a whole and also personally.

Jun 27th, 2018 Pastoral Testimonies 1 min read

Greetings from Bakersfield, Ca. We were blessed to have Pastor Richard Valerio come to our church in May 2018 for a revival and from the moment he got in, there was a dynamic of faith. He ministered powerfully yet kept the common touch with the people. Challenging our church and surrounding churches to believe God without limitations. There were a number of miracles. One service…

During the revival we had at least 10 first time visitors return to the revival as well as new converts return and solidify in the church. 

May 14th, 2018 Pastoral Testimonies 2 min read

Greetings from Twentynine Palms California, We’ve recently finished up a powerful revival with evangelist Richard Valerio and God moved powerfully on our behalf.  Saturday before the revival we had an all day outreach with various churches in the area that came in support followed by a concert in the church parking lot that evening where we saw five saved during the day and one saved…

Revival in New Braunfels, Texas

Nov 10th, 2017 Pastoral Testimonies 2 min read

Evangelist Richard Valerio Revival The Door Christian Fellowship Church New Braunfels, Texas Nov 5-8th 2017 Saved: 9 Healed: 6 Notable Miracles One sister in the church had a lump that she has been worried about for almost a year. After Evangelist Valerio prayed for her it went down a little then later that night while she was at home it completely disappeared! One visitor who…

In April we had Evangelist Richard Valerio come and do a revival for us. We saw visitors come in and get saved. He preached timely messages to our congregation, stirring them to what God has for them. He challenged them to personal  evangelism and to have a vision to win the lost in this city. We saw miracles of healing with a couple of ladies coming in with back pain being healed. He prayed for many needs which included financial breakthrough, salvation for our loved ones and God’s blessing  on our marriages. We look forward to hearing more testimonies on God moving on his people’s behalf.

Daniel Foster, Edinburg, Tx

Let me ask you, do you still believe in miracles? Do you believe that God can come through and save the day? Will God move in such a way, that no one can explain it? Does He still work like that today? That is the million dollar question for the modern-day Christian. This can be a hard pill to swallow because, while we are excited and believe God for other people – we find it nearly impossible to believe God for ourselves…I can tell you from personal experience that God STILL WORKS MIRACLES TODAY!! We are currently in revival with Evangelist Richie Valerio, and it has been nothing short of OUTSTANDING!

Lamont Melrose

We just wanted to thank you for coming to La Paz, Bolivia and helping us build God’s church here in South America. During the revival, we saw healings, people being touched by the Holy Spirit and filled with the Holy Ghost, when you prayed for them. The Amazing thing was that some of the people you prayed for, to be filled with the Holy Ghost, who did not get filled that night, the next day they did at the altar!

La Paz, Bolivia - Pastor Victor Lopez